CSS :: Nervous System

61.  Number of cranial nerves in frog are 10 pairs but in rabbit it is:
A. Same B. 11 pairs
C. 12 pairs D. 9 pairs

62.  Second cranial nerve is called:
A. Optic B. Terminal
C. Auditory D. Vagus

63.  Aqueduct of Sylvius is found in:
A. Heart B. Eyes
C. Brain D. Ears

64.  Ninth cranial nerve is called:
A. Trigeminal B. Facial
C. Occulomotor D. Glossopharyngeal

65.  Which one of the following is purely motor nerve:
A. Olfactory B. Abducens
C. Facial D. Vagus

66.  Outermost covering of brain is:
A. Choroid B. Arachnoid
C. Duramater D. All of these

67.  3rd, 6th and 11th cranial nerves in rabbit are respectively the:
A. Occulomotor, abducens and spinal accessory B. Ttrigeminal, abducens and vagus
C. Trochlear, facial and spinal accessory D. Occulomotor, abducens and hypoglosal

68.  Thermoregulatory centre in human brain is:
A. Diencephalon B. Pituitary
C. Hypothalamus D. None of these

69.  Main function of cerebellum is:
A. Co-ordination of voluntary activities B. Control of involuntary activities
C. Both of these D. None of these

70.  Number of cranial nerves in frog is:
A. Ten B. Twelve
C. Ten pairs D. Twelve pairs

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