CSS :: Nervous System

51.  Pons varolii connect:
A. Lateral parts of cerebellar henispheres B. Lateral parts of cerebral hemispheres
C. Ventral part of cerebral hemispheres D. Ventral part of cerebellar hemispheres

52.  Lateral appendage of each cerebellar hemisphere in rabbit is called:
A. Vermis B. Fornix
C. Flocculus D. None of these

53.  Seat of highest mental faculties like consciousness, intelligence and articulate speech in the brain is:
A. Cerebrum B. Cerebellum
C. Medulla D. None of these

54.  Sulci and gyri are present in which of the following parts of rabbit's brain:
A. Cerebral hemispheres B. Cerebellar hemispheres
C. Both of these D. None of these

55.  Control centres for hunger, thirst, sleep, sweating, fatigue temperature, sex, emotions etc, are present in the:
A. Cerebrum B. Hypothalamus
C. Both of these D. None of these

56.  Carbohydrate, protein and fat metabolisms are controlled by:
A. Cerebrum B. Hypothalamus
C. Both of these D. None of these

57.  Crura cerebri serve to:
A. Transmit motor impulses to limb muscles from cerebrum B. Transmit sensory impulses from cerebrum to limb muscles
C. Bring photic stimuli D. Act as relay centres for sensory and motor impulses passing between cerebrum and other parts of brain:

58.  Butterfly shaped gray matter is found in the:
A. Spinal cord of rabbit B. Spinal cord of frog
C. Both of these D. None of these

59.  Reflex responses are controlled by:
A. Brain B. Spinal cord
C. Both of these D. None of these

60.  Nervous band connecting cerebral hemispheres in rabbit is corpus:
A. Callosum B. Albicans
C. Striatum D. Spongiosum

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