CSS :: Nervous System

41.  One of the deadly disease caused by inflammation of covering layers over the brain is called:
A. Meningitis B. Encephalitis
C. Rhinitis D. None of these

42.  Cerbral hemispheres in rabbit by anterior and inner hippocampal lobes with the help of:
A. Sylvian fissure B. Hippocampal fissure
C. Both of these D. None of these

43.  Neopallium is:
A. Dorsal thick wall of cerebrum B. Ventral wall of cerebrum
C. Lateral wall of cerebrum D. None of these

44.  Fomix in rabbit's brain connects:
A. Hippocampal lobe with hypothalamus B. Both hippocampi together
C. Both corpora striata together D. Corpora striata with hippocampi

45.  Lyra in rabbit's brain connects:
A. Two hippocampi together B. Two corpora striata together
C. Two optic nerves together D. None of these

46.  Corpus albicans just behind the stalk of pituitary glands in rabbit is formed by:
A. Wall of diencephalon B. Wall of hypothalamus
C. Wall of optic lobes D. None of these

47.  Lateral walls of thalami in rabbit bulge into diocoel forming:
A. Massa intermedia B. Fornix
C. Lyra D. None of these

48.  Fibrous, transverse commissure extending across the roof of diencephalons and connecting two optic thalami in the brain of rabbit is called:
A. Sylvian fissure B. Lyra
C. Habenular commissure D. Massa intermedia

49.  Vermis in the brain of rabbit is the part of:
A. Cerebrum B. Cebellum
C. Optic lobes D. None of these

50.  Meta-encephalon's anterior part has broad, transverse band of white fibres in rabbit's brain which is called:
A. Arborvitae B. Crura cerebri
C. Pons varolii D. None of these

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