CSS :: Nervous System

31.  Dorsal and posterior commissures connect:
A. Two thalami together B. Two cerebral hemispheres
C. Two olfactory lobes D. None of these

32.  Rathke's pouch forming pituitary gland is formed by:
A. Epithelial outgrowth from buccal cavity B. Outgrowth from brain
C. Outgrowth from cerebrum D. None of these

33.  Ventral and ventrolateral walls of mid brain are thickened due to the presence of two peduncles called:
A. Crura cerebri B. Anterior commissure
C. Hebnular commissure D. None of these

34.  Crura cerebri connect:
A. Fore brain with mid brain B. Mid brain with hind brain
C. Fore brain with hind brain D. Hind brain with spinal cord

35.  4th ventricle is present in:
A. Optic lobes B. Diencephalon
C. Medulla oblongata D. None of these

36.  Posterior choroids plexus are formed by dorsal wall of:
A. Cerebellum B. Medulla
C. Spirtal cord D. None of these

37.  Number of meninges in rabbit is:
A. One B. Two
C. Three D. Four

38.  Which of the following meninges present in rabbit is not found in frog:
A. Duramater B. Piamater
C. Arachnoid D. None of these

39.  Subarachnoid space separates:
A. Piamater and arachnoid B. Duramater and arachnoid
C. Duramater with arachnoid D. None of these

40.  Subdural space is present in:
A. Frog only B. Rabbit only
C. Both of these D. None of these

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