CSS :: Nervous System

21.  Part of brain not present in frog but present in rabbit is:
A. Corpus stratum B. Corpus callosum
C. Corpus luteum D. None of these

22.  Function of nervous tissue is:
A. Sensitivity B. Irritability
C. Responsiveness D. Contraction

23.  Outermost covering of brain is:
A. Choroid B. Arachnoid
C. Duramater D. All of these

24.  Cerebral hemispheres are centres of:
A. Thining B. Will power
C. Reasoning D. All of these

25.  If cerebral hemispheres of frog are removed, it will:
A. Stop feeding B. Lose body balance
C. Not show knee-jerk reflex D. Show none of these

26.  Brain of rabbit differs with that of frog in having:
A. Large olfactory lobes B. Small cerebellum
C. Reduced hypothalamus D. Corpus callosum

27.  Roof of each paracoel is called:
A. Pallium B. Diencephalon
C. Anterior commissure D. None of these

28.  Anterior commissure in frog's brain connects:
A. Olfactory lobes B. Corpora strata
C. Cerebral hemispheres and optic lobes D. None of these

29.  Dorsal wall of diocoel is called epithalamus and is made up of ependymal epithelium forming:
A. Corpus callosum B. Anterior choroids plexus
C. Arborviae D. None of these

30.  Hypothalamus is formed by:
A. Ventral wall of diencephalon B. Roof of diencephalon
C. Sides of diocoel D. None of these

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