CSS :: Nervous System

91.  Cauda equina is a term given to:
A. A structure present over the tail of horse B. A structure formed by union of thick ventral rami of 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th pairs of spinal nerves
C. A structure formed by union of dorsal rami of 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th pairs of spinal nerves D. None of these

92.  Number of cervical, thoracic, lumber, sacral and caudal spinal nerves in rabbit respectively:
A. 8 pairs, 12 pairs, 7 pairs, 4 pairs and 6 pairs B. 7 pairs, 10 pairs, 9 pairs, 3 pairs and 4 pairs
C. 10 pairs, 15 pairs, 9 pairs, 5 pairs and 3 pairs D. 6 pairs, 10 pairs, 9 pairs, 3 pairs and 4 pairs

93.  In rabbit the brachial plexuses are formed by the union of:
A. Ventral rami of 1st to 4th pairs of cervical spinal nerves B. Dorsalrami of 1st to 4th pairs of cervical spinal nerves
C. Ventral rami of 4th to 8th pairs of cervical spinal nerves D. Dorsal rami of 4th to 8th pairs of cervical spinal nerves

94.  Vital involuntary activities in body are coordinated by:
A. Central nervous system B. Peripheral nervous system
C. Autonomic nervous system D. All of these

95.  Cordial plexus of sympathetic system in frog is formed by:
A. Preganglionic fibres from 1st pair to sympathetic gandlia B. Postganglionic fibres from 1st pair of sympathetic ganglia
C. Both of these D. None of these

96.  Solar plexus is term associated with:
A. Peripheral nervous system B. Cranial nerves
C. Sympathetic nervous system D. Parasympathetic nervous system

97.  Solar plexuses in frog are formed by:
A. Postganglionic fibres from 3rd - 6th pairs of sympathetic ganglia B. Preganglionic fibres from 3rd - 6 pairs of sympathetic ganglia
C. Both of these D. None of these

98.  Vasoconstriction in body is done by:
A. Parasympathetic system B. Sympathetic system
C. Cranial nerves D. All of these

99.  Blood sugar and hearbeat is increased by:
A. Sympathetic system B. Parasympathetic system
C. Both of these D. None of these

100.  Peristalsis is stimulated by:
A. Sympathetic system B. Parasympathetic system
C. Both of these D. None of these

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