CSS :: Metabolism

81.  Lipogenesis in our body occurs when:
A. Storing capacity of glycogen and carbohydrates exhausts in liver and muscles B. Proteins are taken in large amounts
C. Glycogenesis is decreased in body D. None of these factors exist

82.  During lipogenesis in our body:
A. Glucose is broken down to pyruvic acid and then to acetyl CoA which polymerises into long chain fatty acids B. Glucose is converted to glycogen which later polymerises to fatty acids
C. There is reduction in the protein contents of the body D. None of these occur

83.  Impaired secretion of glucogon in our body will:
A. Increase glycogenolysis B. Decrease glycogenolysis
C. Decrease glycogenesis D. Bring no change of these types

84.  Which are the substances that can be used for glycogenesis:
A. Glucose B. Fructose
C. Galactose D. All of these

85.  Reason for yielding double amount of energy by fats is:
A. That one fatty acid forms two molecules of acetyl CoA on oxidation B. Fatty aids are readily converted into glucose
C. Fatty acids undergo lipogenesis which increases carbohydrae intake D. None of these

86.  Which of these increases gluconeogenesis in our body:
A. Cytosol B. Cortisols
C. Cholesterol D. None of these

87.  Acceleration of carbohydrae metabolism is done by:
A. Insulin B. Pericillin
C. Biotin D. Adenine

88.  Which of these processes are accelerated by insulin during carbohydrate metabolism:
A. Gluconeogenesis B. Carbohydrate oxidation
C. Conversion of carbohydrates in the fats D. All of these process

89.  During carbohydrate metabolism the insulin helps in:
A. Glycogenesis B. Utilization of sugars with formation of intermediate products
C. Both of these processes D. None of these processes

90.  Which of these is formed during deamination of amino acids in the liver:
A. Ammonia B. Carbondioxide
C. Both (a) & (b) D. None of these

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