CSS :: Metabolism

71.  Anaerobic respiration is a kind of:
A. Fermentation B. Incomplete oxidation
C. Anabolism D. None of these

72.  Process of deriving glucose from sources other than carbohydrates is called:
A. Glucogenesis B. Gluconeogenesis
C. Glucolysis D. None of these

73.  In case of more intake of food, the surplus is deposited as:
A. Fats B. Glycogen
C. Proteins D. Glycogen and Fat

74.  Formation of glucose from glycogen is termed:
A. Glycogenesis and occurs within liver B. Glycogenolysis and occurs within liver
C. Gluconeogenesis and occurs within the liver D. Glycolysis and occurs within liver

75.  Matabolic rate in animal during hibernation will be:
A. Enhanced B. Falling to a low level
C. Unchanged D. None of these

76.  Energy gained through serobic respuation of 1 molecule of glucose during cellular respiration is sufficient to produce:
A. 30 ATP B. 36 ATP
C. 38 ATP D. 24 ATP

77.  Carbohydrate metabolishm is controlled by:
A. Hormones from pancreas B. Diabetogenic hormones from pituitary
C. Thyroxine from thyroid D. All of these

78.  Which one of these brings an increase in the rate of carbohydrate metabolism:
A. Thyroxine B. Pitressin
C. Acrtycholine D. None of these

79.  Which of these glands influence carbohydrate metabolism through their hormones:
A. Adrenal cortex B. Pituitary
C. Thyroid D. All of them

80.  Which of these from adrenal cortex influence the carbohydrate metabolism:
A. Minralocorticoids B. Glucocorticoids
C. Both (a) & (b) D. None of these

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