CSS :: Metabolism

61.  Metebolic rate of a man can be increased by giving an injection of:
A. Testesterone B. Thyroxine
C. Growth hormone D. All of these

62.  Net gain of ATP molecules in breakdown of one molecule of glucose into two monecules of pyruvic acid molecules is:
A. Two B. Four
C. Thirty six D. Thirty eight

63.  Which of these is readily available source of biological energy:
A. Glycogen B. Fat
C. Glucose D. Adenosine triphosphate

64.  The glucose is broken finally into H2O and CO2 in which of these:
A. Mitochondria B. Sarcosomes
C. Both (a) & (b) D. None of these

65.  In our body the storage of carbohydrates is done in form of:
A. Lactic acid in the muscles B. Glycogen in muscles and liver
C. Pyruvic acid in each cell D. None of these

66.  BMR abbreviation means:
A. Bone marrow regeneration B. Basal metabolic rate
C. Birth-mortality rate D. Basal malpighian-reabsorption

67.  In anaerobic condition the energy in the cell is produced by degradation of glucose into:
A. Citric acid B. Lactic acid
C. Ethyl alchohol D. CO2 + H2O

68.  Kreb's cycle eventually leads to:
A. Storage of energy in ATP B. Storage of energy in ADP
C. Liberation of energy D. Liberation of energy from ATP

69.  In the process of Glycolysis the glucose is converted into:
A. Pyruvic acid B. Glycogen
C. Glycon D. None of these

70.  As a result of Glycolysis in the body:
A. Glucose is converted into glycogen B. Glycogen is converted into glucose
C. Glucose is transformed into pyruvic acid D. Pyruvic acid is transformed into citric acid

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