51. |
High energy compounds are those which: |
A. |
Link exergonic and endergonic reactions |
B. |
Are produced in respiration process only |
C. |
Are produced when ATP losses two molecules of phosphates |
D. |
Are none of these |
Answer: Option B
52. |
The energy yielded by complete oxidation of 1 gram mole of glucose is: |
A. |
6860000 calories |
B. |
686000 calories |
C. |
68600 calories |
D. |
686 calories |
Answer: Option A
53. |
Which will be donor in energy transfer process from ADP to ATP: |
A. |
Inorganic phosphate |
B. |
Glucose phosphate |
C. |
D. |
Answer: Option A
54. |
Which of these substances will yield twice the amount of energy as compared to equivalent weight of carbohydrate: |
A. |
Proteins |
B. |
Fats |
C. |
Minerals |
D. |
Vitamins |
Answer: Option B
55. |
Energy stored as reserve food in our body within the: |
A. |
Liver |
B. |
Spleen |
C. |
Adipose tissue |
D. |
None of these |
Answer: Option C
56. |
A sum of the constructive processes in our body is called: |
A. |
Anabolism |
B. |
Catabolism |
C. |
D. |
Metabolism |
Answer: Option A
57. |
Mitochondria are regarded as 'power' house of the cell' since they: |
A. |
Generate the electricity |
B. |
Store energy in ATP |
C. |
Have Kerb's cycle inside them |
D. |
Have none of these |
Answer: Option C
58. |
Amino groups of excess of amino acids are converted into urea within the: |
A. |
Kidney |
B. |
Liver |
C. |
Spleen |
D. |
All of these |
Answer: Option B
59. |
Double energy is produced from 1 gram of: |
A. |
Fats |
B. |
Sugars |
C. |
Proteins |
D. |
None of these |
Answer: Option A
60. |
ATP is synthesized within: |
A. |
Mitochondria |
B. |
Endoplasmic reticulum |
C. |
Ribosome |
D. |
None of these |
Answer: Option A
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