CSS :: Metabolism

91.  Protein metabolism in our body is controlled by:
A. Thyroxine B. ACTH
C. Both (a) & (b) D. None of these

92.  Ammonia is formed more during the condition of acidosis in body because it:
A. Neutralizes the acids B. It increases CO2 disposal
C. Reduces deamination process in body D. Has no such role

93.  Which of these are formed during catabolism of proteins within our body:
A. Ammonia B. Urea
C. Creatinine D. All of these

94.  When liver fat contents of our body increase then the condition leads to:
A. Fatty liver B. Necros liver
C. Jaundice D. None of them

95.  In fatty liver the fat contents are:
A. 1-2% B. 4-5%
C. 30-40% D. 10-15%

96.  Which of these regulate the fat metabolism in our body:
A. Hypophysis B. Sexual glands
C. Thyroid, pancreas and adrenals D. All of these

97.  Glycerol is metabolized in which of the following ways:
A. It is phosphorylated to form 3-phosphoglyceraldehyde which enters glycolytic pathway B. It is dissolved in water and reted out by kidney
C. It is converted to flycogen and stored D. It is metabolized in none of these ways

98.  Term intermediary metabolism means:
A. Linking of carbohydrate, protein and fat metabolisms B. Utilization of intermediate products of any metabolism
C. Both (a) & (b) D. None of these

99.  Example of intermediary metabolism may be sited by:
A. Formation of pyruvic acid from glucose, amino acid, deamination of amino acids and phosphorylation of glycerol yielding 3-phosphogly ceraldehyde B. Formation of alpha-ketogluteric acid from pyruvic acid through Kreb's cycle, deamination of glutamic acid and from acetyl CoA formed by oxidation of fatty acids
C. Both (a) & (b) D. None of these

100.  All the processes in metabolism are:
A. Only exergonic B. Only endergonic
C. Both (a) & (b) D. None of these

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