CSS :: Muscle Contraction Physiology

41.  Function of boosters in the contraction of cardiac muscles is performed by:
A. Myosin B. Intercalary discs
C. Cross-bridges D. Sarcomeres

42.  Shivering of body and clattering of teeth in cold is a method for:
A. Preventing radiations of heat from body B. Production of heat by muscular contraction
C. Production of heat by muscular friction D. Increasing blood supply to skin

43.  Shivering of body and clattering of teeth in winters is associated with:
A. Thermoregulation B. Vasodialation
C. Vasoconstriction D. None of these

44.  Which of these are examples of antgonistic muscles in our body:
A. Biceps and triceps B. Adductors and abductors
C. Pronators and suppinators D. All of these

45.  Which of these muscle respectively flex and straighten our arm:
A. Biceps and triceps B. Adductors and abductors
C. Pronators and suppinators D. None of these

46.  Upwards and downwards rotation of body parts is done by:
A. Pronators and suppinators B. Elevators and depressors
C. Both (a) & (b) D. None of these

47.  Straightening of our flexed arm is done by:
A. Biceps which extends from shoulders to radius B. Triceps which extends from ulna to shoulders
C. Both (a) & (b) D. None of these muscles

48.  Flexing or bending of our arm is done by:
A. Biceps B. Triceps
C. Both (a) & (b) D. None of these

49.  Under which of these disorders the muscle remains atrophied for a long time:
A. Paralysis B. Rigor Mortis
C. Tetany D. None of these

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