CSS :: Muscle Contraction Physiology

31.  M' curves on kymogram are seen during:
A. Summation B. Treppe
C. Fatigue D. Tetany

32.  If a contracting muscle is given a second stimulus during its contraction phase then it is seen to produce 'M' curve on kymogram. This phenomenon is termed:
A. Treppe B. Summation
C. Fatigue D. None of these

33.  In which of these phenomenon we get few initial sequentially increasing curves on kymogram if we stimulate a muscle periodically while permitting its normal relaxation:
A. Summation B. Treppe
C. Fatigue D. None of these

34.  In which of these conditions the muscle offers no contraction:
A. Fatigue B. Treppe for short time
C. Summation D. None of these

35.  When a muscle is repeatedly stimulated during its contraction period without permitting relaxation for a very long time it does not relax. This stage is called:
A. Tetany B. Fatigue
C. Treppe D. None of these

36.  The cause of muscular tentany is:
A. Infection of tetanus bacillus B. Deficiency of parathyroid hormone
C. Excess of sodium ions in sarcoplasm D. None of these

37.  Paralysis occurs in the muscles by:
A. Cut off in its motor nerve supply B. Cut off in its sensory nerve supply
C. Both (a) & (b) D. None of these

38.  After death rigor mortis occurs in the muscles because:
A. Sarcoplasm has no glycogen B. Actomyosin ADP complex is not broken dur to lack of supply of ATP as oxygen and other substrates for its synthesis are not present
C. Myosin filmanets are shortened D. There is some other reasons

39.  Refractory period in frog's muscles is about:
A. 0.01 seconds B. 0.1 seconds
C. 0.3 seconds D. None of these

40.  Refractory period in muscles of man is:
A. 0.1 seconds B. 0.2 seconds
C. 0.3 seconds D. None of these

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