CSS :: Muscle Contraction Physiology

1.  Muscular contraction involves which of these events:
A. Biochemical events only B. Biophysical events only
C. Both (a) & (b) D. None of these

2.  The energy required for muscular contraction is derived from:
A. Action B. Myosin
C. Actomyosin D. ATP

3.  Besides ATP the other sources of providing energy for muscular contraction are:
A. Breakdown of creatine phosphate B. Myokinase activity
C. Both (a) & (b) D. None of these

4.  Which of these reactions are correct:
A. Creatine phosphate + ATP ?Creatine + 2ADP B. Creatine phosphate ? Creatine + H3PO4 ADP + H3PO4 ? ATP
C. Both (a) & (b) D. None of these

5.  During biochemical events or muscle contraction which of these processes occur:
A. Breakdown of ATP into ADP B. Breakdown of creatine phosphate into creatine + H2PO4
C. Breakdown of muscle glycogen into lactic acid D. All of these processes

6.  During first stage of breakdown of glycogen which of these occur:
A. Glycogen ? formation of glucose-6-phosphate B. Glycogen ? pyruvic acid
C. Glycogen ? lactic acid D. None of these

7.  Formation of lactic acid from pyruvic acid during muscle contraacton is catelyzed by which of these enzymes:
A. Glycokinase B. Phosphohexoisomerase
C. Lactic dehydrogenase D. All of these enzymes mentioned

8.  Which of these substances on accumulation causes muscular fatigue:
A. Pyruvic acid B. Creatine phosphate
C. Lactic acid D. None of these

9.  During recovery phase of muscle contraction the processes occurring are:
A. Breakdown of lactic acid formed during contraction phosphate B. Resynthesis of creatine phosphate
C. Resynthesis of ATP D. All of these

10.  The decomposition of lactic acid is done by:
A. Converting it to glycogen B. Converting it into CO2 and H2O
C. Both of these processes D. None of these processes

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