CSS :: Evolution Of Man

41.  Scientific names of Java man and modern man respectively are:
A. Home erectus erectus and homo sapiens sapiens B. Homo spiens neanderthalensis and Homo sapiens futuris
C. Homo sapiens heiderbergensis and Homo sapiens fossilis D. Homo erectus pekinensis and Home erectus mauritancus

42.  Burial dead bodies was found in:
A. Homo sapiens neanderthalensis B. Homo erectus pekinensis
C. Homo spiens fossilis D. Homo erectus erectus

43.  Which of these is Cro-Magnon:
A. Homo erectus erectus B. Homo sapiens fossilis
C. Homo sapiens futuris D. None of these

44.  Difference in Homo erectus and Cro-Magnon was in the:
A. Cranial capacity B. Intelligence
C. Shape of jaw D. All of these

45.  Which is true for Homo sapiens sapiens:
A. Cranial capacity 1450cc B. Protruded mouth
C. Carnivorous diet D. None of these

46.  Skull of pithecanthropus erectus was discovered in:
A. India B. China
C. Java D. Africa

47.  Closest relative of modern man is:
A. Gibbon B. Orang utan
C. Gorilla D. Sinanthropus

48.  Neanderthal - Man existed during:
A. Pleistocene B. Pliocene
C. Miocene D. Oligocene

49.  Ramapithecus is name of fossil man of:
A. Shivalik hill of India B. Java
C. Africa D. China

50.  Fossil of Pithecanthropus were found in:
A. Java B. China
C. Africa D. Germany

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