CSS :: Human Genetics and Eugenics

81.  In human beings which of these types of sex chromosomes are found:
A. Two X chromosomes B. One X chromosome
C. Both XY chromosomes D. Only Y chromosome

82.  Human ovum has got:
A. Two X chromosomes B. One X chromosome
C. Both XY chromosomes D. Only Y chromosome

83.  Total number of autosomes in fertilized egg of man is:
A. 44 B. 22
C. 23 D. 46

84.  Average ratio of men and women in human population is:
A. 2;1 B. 1.1
C. 3;5 D. 1;2

85.  Normally sex-linkedgenes are located in X-chormosome in man this indicates that:
A. Y chromosome is longer than X B. Entire set of genes on X chromosome is different than Y
C. X chromosome is longer than Y D. X chromosome is dominant over Y

86.  Sex in human beings is deermined by:
A. Size of sperm fertilizing the ovum B. Size of egg being fertilized
C. Sex chromosome of father D. Sex chromosome of mother

87.  Serum of person having blood group AB will have:
A. Agglutinin a B. Agglutinin b
C. Both (a) & (b) D. None of these

88.  Even though donor A and recipient B have same blood group, transfusion leads to agglutination. This is due to the fact that:
A. A is Rh+ and B rh- B. Hb of A and B is different
C. A is Rh+ and b rh- D. Both (a) & (b) are Rh+

89.  Erythroblastosis foetalis in developing embry is caused by:
A. Haemolysis B. Haemoposis
C. Haemorrhage D. Haemophilia

90.  Haemophilia is a disease in which there occurs:
A. Clumping of RBCs B. Phaocytosis by the WBCs of the blood
C. Haemolysis of RBCs D. Failure of blood coagulation

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