CSS :: Human Genetics and Eugenics

31.  Sickle-cell anaemia is exhibited by:
A. Reduction in RBCs due to excess oxygen tension B. Defect in beta-chain of haemoglobin
C. Defect in alpha-chain of haemoglobin D. None of these

32.  PTC (phenylthiocarbamide) tastes:
A. Bitter B. Sour
C. Sweet D. None of these

33.  How much percent people lack ability to taste PTC:
A. 10% B. 20%
C. 30% D. 40%

34.  ABO Blood groups were discovered by:
A. Lansteiner B. Bernstein
C. Weiner D. Lavine

35.  A person of blood group AB can receive blood from donor of:
A. A - group B. B - group
C. AB - group D. All group

36.  For a patient of AB - group a donor can be of:
A. A and B - group B. O - group
C. AB - group D. Any of ABO - groups

37.  Which one is universal recipient:
A. Person of A and B - groups B. Person of O group
C. Person of AB - group D. None of these groups

38.  Which of the blood can be given to any person:
A. A - group B. B - group
C. O - group D. AB - group

39.  Universal donor is a person of blood group:
A. A B. B
C. O - group D. AB

40.  If a patient of blood group - B needs a transfusion, the donor must belong the blood group:
A. A B. B
C. O & B D. AB

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