CSS :: Human Genetics and Eugenics

11.  Nature of identical twins is:
A. Dizygotic B. Monozygotic
C. Polyzygotic D. Amphizygotic

12.  Identical twins develop from:
A. An ovum fertilized by two sperms B. An egg developing from parthenogenesis and its blastomeres separating from each other
C. Fertilization of two ova simulataneously by two ova simulataneously by two sperms D. A single fertilized egg whose blastomeres separating after 1st cleavage

13.  A patient of alkaptonuria can be recognized by the:
A. Urine having homogentisic acid in his urine B. Urine turning black on expossure to air
C. Both of these things D. None of these

14.  Alkaptonuria is an inborn biochemical disorder in which the person excretes:
A. Albumen B. Homogentisic acid
C. HCI D. Acetic acid

15.  Urine of a person suffering from which of these disorders turns black on exposure to air:
A. One suffering from phenylketonuria B. One suffering from alkaptonuria
C. One suffering from sickle cell anemia D. None of these

16.  Albinism is:
A. Polygenic B. Recessive
C. Dominant D. Multipleallelism

17.  Sickle-cell anaemia is due to:
A. Hormone B. Viral infection
C. Genes D. Bacteria

18.  Allele is the:
A. Alternate trait of a gene pair B. Total number of genes for a trait
C. Total number of chromosomes of a haploid set D. Total number of genes present on a chromosome

19.  If two opposite alleles come close together, one of the two finds morphological expression masking other in the body of the organism, the fact is described is:
A. Law of inheritance B. Law of dominance
C. Law of segregation D. None of these

20.  Hereditory characters are passed from parent to offspring chiefly through:
A. Proteins B. Enzymes
C. Genes D. None of these

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