CSS :: Human Genetics and Eugenics

91.  During mismatched blood transfusion:
A. RBCs of recipient agglutinate B. WBCs of donor agglutinate
C. RBC of donor agglutinate D. WBCs of recipient agglutinate

92.  Agglutiongens are absent in the blood of the blood group:
A. A B. B
C. AB D. O

93.  Haemophilia affects generally males because it is:
A. Dominant autosomal B. Dominant X-linked
C. Recessive X-linked D. Y-linked

94.  Which of these disorders in genetically similar to haemophilia:
A. Colour blindness B. Albinism
C. Night blindness D. None of these

95.  Daltonian disease is:
A. Haemophilia B. Colour blindness or haemophilia
C. Sickle-cell anaemia D. None of these

96.  Colour blindness and night blindness are:
A. Similar genetic disorders B. Sex-linked disorders
C. Dissimilar because former is sex-linked while later is due to deficiency of vit. A D. One is X-lined and other Y-linked

97.  Rh factor is associated with:
A. Carbohydrate metabolism B. Blood clotting
C. Blood transfusion and pregnancy D. None of these

98.  Role of Rh factor is in:
A. Blood transfusions B. Pregnancy
C. Both (a) & (b) D. None of these

99.  Sex-linked characters are usually:
A. Dominant autosomal B. Recessive
C. Confined to males D. None of these

100.  Phenotypes in which of these conditions are called syndromes:
A. Aneuploidy B. Euploidy
C. Polyphridy D. None of these

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