CSS :: Embryo Genesis

81.  Which of these is an extra embryonic membrane:
A. Amnion and chorion B. Allantois
C. Yolk sac D. All of these

82.  Mammalian gastrula is different from frog's gastrula in one of the following respects:
A. It is only-single layered B. During its formation involution and invagination processes occur
C. Blastopore and archenterons are not formed D. The archenterons is filled with fluid

83.  Foetal membranes are found in:
A. Cyclostomes, fishes and amphibians B. Reptiles, birds and mammals
C. Both of the groups in (a) & (b) D. None of these

84.  The extra embryonic membranes in rabbit are:
A. Amnion and chorion B. Allantois
C. Yolk sac D. All of these

85.  As a result of metabolism in the body of mammalian embryo:
A. No wastes are formed B. Waste products are reabsorbed by embryo
C. Waste products accumulated eliminated at birth D. Waste products are eliminated through mother's body

86.  An intimate connection between the body of mother and embryo is called:
A. Placenta B. Primitives streak
C. Hensen's knot D. None of these

87.  Mammalian placenta has:
A. A foetal part contributed by the embryo through allantois and chorion B. A maternal part contributed by the mother through uterine wall
C. Both (a) & (b) D. None of these

88.  Foetal part of mammalian placenta has:
A. Outermost layer of trophoblast only B. Allantochorion only
C. Endothelia of capillaries of allantoic artery and vein D. All of these structures

89.  Maternal part of the placenta in man consists of:
A. Uterine mucosa only B. Uterine submucosa only
C. Endothelia of capillaries of uterine blood vessels D. All of these

90.  Placenta in man is:
A. Epitheliochorial type B. Haemochorial type
C. Haemoendothelial types D. None of these

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