CSS :: Embryo Genesis

71.  During metamorphosis the intestine of tadpole shrinks:
A. 1/3rd in length B. 2/3rd in length
C. 3/4 in length D. 1/2 in length

72.  Which of these organs do not undergo any special change during metamorphosis:
A. Respiratory B. Nervous
C. Digestive D. Circulatory

73.  Development of Indian frog is completed in about:
A. 1/2 month B. 1
C. 2 D. 3 - 4 months

74.  Egg in rabbit is:
A. Microlecithal B. Mesolecithal
C. Polylecithal D. Telolecithal

75.  Mammalian ovum has which of the following coverings around it:
A. Zona pellucida B. Corona radiata
C. Both of these D. None of these

76.  The fertilization in mammalian ovum occurs:
A. Inside the body cavity B. Inside the fallopian tube
C. Inside the uterus D. Inside the vagina

77.  Accomodation of trophoblastic villi into uterine wall in mammals marks the:
A. Conception B. Ovulation
C. Parturition D. None of these

78.  Trophoblast cells just above embryonal knob in mammalian blastocyst are called:
A. Cells of Ranvier B. Cells of Rauber
C. Cells of Malpighi D. None of these

79.  Actual embryo in mammals in formed by:
A. Embryonal knob B. Hensen's knot
C. Corona radiata D. None of these

80.  Endodermal cells in mammalian gastrula are formed by:
A. Cells of inner surface of embryonal knob B. Cells of outer layer of embryonal knob
C. Both of these structures D. None of these

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