CSS :: Embryo Genesis

61.  A tadpole is :
A. Herbivorous B. Carnivorous
C. Omnivorous D. Predaceous

62.  A tadpole frog deeds mainly upon:
A. Insects and worms B. Aquatic plants
C. Fishes D. None of these

63.  Which of the following when added to pond water will accelerate the rate of metamorphosis in tadpoles:
A. Chlorine B. Broming
C. Iodine D. Flourine

64.  Metamorphosis occurs when:
A. Growth takes place B. Larva changes to adult
C. Development is through parthenogenesis D. None of these

65.  A fully formed tadpole of frog does not contain:
A. Scales B. Late al-line-organs
C. Gills D. Horny Jaws

66.  Which of these glands in frog initiate metamorphosis:
A. Thyroid B. Thymus
C. Adrenal D. Parathyroid

67.  __________ observed a slice of cork:
A. Robert Hooke B. Dicey A.H.
C. Robert Browne D. None of these

68.  Tadpole of frog metamorphoses under the influence of:
A. Adrenaline B. Thyroxine
C. Prolactin D. Growth hormone

69.  Suppose a frog's tadpole does not metamorphose, yet it could not be grouped under fishes because it:
A. Feeds upon aquatic plants B. Hoes not posses scales
C. Does not posses gills D. Has spirally coiled intestine

70.  Tadople's intestine differs with frog's intestine in having:
A. Two times more length B. 1/3rd more length
C. 3/4 more length D. 1/2 length

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