CSS :: Embryo Genesis

51.  Development in frog begins:
A. Immediately after fertilization B. Two and half hours after fertilization
C. Six hours after fertilization D. Twelve hours after fertilization

52.  1st cleavage in frog's egg begins after:
A. 2 B. 4 hours of fertilization
C. 6 hours of fertilization D. 8 hours of fertilization

53.  2nd cleavage in frog's egg begins after:
A. 30 minutes of 1st cleavage B. 60 minutes of 1st cleavage
C. 90 minutes of 1st cleavage D. 120 minutes in frog's egg begins after

54.  3rd cleavage in frog's egg begins after:
A. 1-2 hours of fertilization B. 3-4 hours of fertilization
C. 4-5 hours of fertilization D. 8-10 hours of fertilization

55.  Gastrula is completed in about:
A. 10 hours of oviposition B. 20 hours of oviposition
C. 30 hours of oviposition D. 50 hours of oviposition

56.  Tadpole in frog hatches out in about:
A. 50 hours of oviposition B. 110 hours of oviposition
C. 200 hours of oviposition D. 250 hours of voiposition

57.  A tadpole of frog metamorphoses into adult after:
A. One week B. Two weeks
C. Three week D. Four weeks

58.  Yolk plug in frog's embryo appears during:
A. Morula formation B. Blastula formation
C. Gastrula formation D. Neurula formation

59.  Fully grown tadpole breathes mainly with the help of:
A. Skin B. Lungs
C. Gills D. Skin and lungs both

60.  Addition of a trace of thyroid extract to water containing tadpole will:
A. Kill all the tadpoles B. Keep them in larval stage
C. Accelerate their metamorphosis D. Slow down their metamorphosis

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