CSS :: Embryo Genesis

31.  Gastrula is the stage of the embryonic development of frog in which:
A. The embryo has three primary germ layers B. Embryo is a hollow ball of cells with a single cell thick wall
C. Embryo has ectoderm, endoderm and a blastopore D. Embryo has ectoderm, endoderm and a rudimentary nervous system

32.  Three processes involved in the gastrulation of frog are in which of the following sequences:
A. Epiboly, invagination, cleavage B. Involution, invagination, cleavage
C. Involution, epiboly, evagination D. Involution, epiboly, invagination

33.  Beginning of the formation of archenteron in the development of frog represents:
A. Early blatula stage B. Neurula stage
C. Early gastrula stage D. Late gastrula stage

34.  Late gastrula in frog shows:
A. Ectoderm, endoderm, blastopore and archenteron B. Ectoderm, mesoderm, blastopore and archenteron
C. Ectoderm, endoderm, blastocoel and archenteron D. Ectoderm, mesoderm, blastocoel and archenteron

35.  Blastopore is found in:
A. Blastula and is the opening of blastocoel B. Blastula and is opening of archenteron
C. Gastrula and is the opening of blastocoel D. Gastrula and is the opening archenteron

36.  Holoblstic and equal cleavages in frog end after:
A. First cleavage division B. Second cleavage division
C. Fourth cleavage division D. Fifth cleavage division

37.  Cleavage differs from mitosis in that:
A. It occurs in all body cells B. It occurs only in zygote
C. It results into haploid cells only D. It results into unidentical cells

38.  Which grouping correctly represents the germinal layer and the structure derived from it:
A. Ectoderm - liver B. Mesoderm - skeleton
C. Endodern - brain D. Ectoderm - blood vessels

39.  Which of the following structures are formed by the ectoderm in frog:
A. Epidermis, stomodaeum and proctodaeum B. Retina, lens, cornea and conjunctiva of the eye
C. Olfactory lobes, autitory vesicle, pituitary, pineal body and adrenal medulla D. All of these

40.  All the digestive glands are formed in the vertebrates by:
A. Ectoderm only B. Endoderm only
C. Mesoderm only D. None of these

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