CSS :: Embryo Genesis

21.  Development in a fertilized egg starts from:
A. Fragmentation B. Regeneration
C. Cleavage D. Invagination

22.  Development in all the fertilized eggs occurs in a definite sequence which of these is a correct sequence?
A. Zygote, cleavage morula, blastula gastrula B. Zygote, morula, blastula, cleavage, gastrula
C. Zygote, blastula, morula, eleavage gastrula D. Zygote, morula, blastula, gastrula, cleavage

23.  Gastrula is a stage in the the development of frog in which embryo possesses:
A. Ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm layers B. Ectoderm layer surrounding the blastocoel
C. Ectoderm and endoderm layers forming archenteron D. Ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm layers alongwith a rudimentary nervous system

24.  Blastopore is found in:
A. Morula B. Blastula
C. Gastrula D. Neurula

25.  Tadpole larva is stage in life history of frog which:
A. Grows inside the uterus of frog B. Lives on land only
C. Is different in structure an behavious than adult frog D. Resembles the adult frog

26.  Archenteron is a cavity found in which of the following stages of frog's development:
A. Morula B. Blastula
C. Gastrula D. None of these

27.  Formation of which of these occurs during gastrulation of frog:
A. Blastocoel B. Archenteron
C. Mesoderm D. Notochord

28.  Gray crescent is present in the:
A. Fertilized egg of the frog B. Unfertilized egg of the frog
C. Sperm of the frog D. None of these

29.  Upwardly directed pigmented part of frog's egg is related with:
A. Camouflage B. Supply of the nourishment
C. Colouration D. Respiration

30.  Gastrulation in frog involves:
A. Epiboly B. Emboly
C. Invagination D. All of these

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