CSS :: Embryo Genesis

11.  1st cleavage in frog's egg is:
A. Holoblastic and vertical B. Holoblastic and transverse
C. Meroblastic and vertical D. Meroblastic and transverse

12.  The term cleavage refers to:
A. Cell divisions of zygote upto completion of blastula stage B. Cell divisions of sperms mother cells upto formation of spermatozoa
C. Maturation of oogonium upto formation of 1st polar body D. Maturation of spermatids to form spermatozoa

13.  Third cleavage in frog's egg is:
A. Vertical and complete B. Meridional and incomplete
C. Vertical and incomplete D. Horizontal and complete

14.  Morula in frog is:
A. 8 celled B. 16 celled
C. 32 celled D. 64 celled

15.  According to intravitum technique used by many embryologists, the presumptive ectodermal area in frog's blastula is formed by:
A. Outermost pigmented cells of animal hemisphere B. Innermost cells of animal hemisphere blastocoels
C. Outermost cells of vegetal hemisphere D. Innermost cells of vegetal hemisphere

16.  Presumptive endoderm is formed in frog's blastula by:
A. Most of the animal hemisphere B. Most of the vegetal hemisphere
C. Partially by both of these D. None of these

17.  Gray crescent in frog's blastula includes:
A. Parts of presumptive ectoderm B. Parts of presumptive endoderm
C. Parts of both of these D. Parts of none of these

18.  Middorsal portion of gray crescent in frog's blastula is:
A. Presumptive notochord B. Presumptive neural tube
C. Presumptive ectoderm D. None of these

19.  Prechordal area in frog's blastula is the part from which:
A. Tail of the tadpole is formed B. Mesodermal and endodermal parts of the phyaryngeal region are derived
C. Notochord is derived D. None of these

20.  Epiboly occurs in the:
A. Micromeres only B. Macromeres only
C. Micromeres and macromeres both D. None of these

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