CSS :: Digestive System

81.  In which of the following organs of alimentary canal of rabbit the serosa is made up of peritoneum and loose connective tissue:
A. Oesophagus B. Pharynx
C. Rectum D. None of these

82.  Brunner's glands are found in:
A. Stomach and oesophagus B. Duodenum and ileum
C. Buccal cavity and pharynx D. None of these

83.  Glottis is a structure which:
A. Prevents entry of food into wind pipe while swallowing food B. Allows food to pass into oesophagus
C. Produces sound when air passes through, it D. Allow air to enter in trachea

84.  Which one is a common passage in swallowing food and breathing:
A. Larynx B. Gull
C. Glottis D. Pharynx

85.  Narrower distal end of stomach is called:
A. Cardia B. Pylorus
C. Duodenum D. Pharynx

86.  Number of incisors, canines, premolars and molars in each jaw of man is respectively:
A. 6,2,4,4 B. 4,2,6,6
C. 4,2,4,6 D. 4,4,6,4

87.  Which is largest gland in our body:
A. Pancreas B. Thyroid
C. Liver D. Mammary glands

88.  Which of the following glands has both endocrine and exocrine nature:
A. Liver B. Pancreas
C. Thyroid D. Mammary glands

89.  Cells of liver in man associated with phagocytosis are:
A. Kupffer's cells B. Kieter's cells
C. Hansan's cells D. Aciner cells

90.  Glisson's capsule is
A. Frog B. Rabbit
C. Both of these D. None of these

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