CSS :: Digestive System

71.  Intestinal villi help in:
A. Assimilation B. Absorption
C. Ultrafiltration D. Secretion

72.  Which of these terms is used for two different parts with a slight difference in spellings, not in pronunciation:
A. Ileum B. Intestine
C. Cloace D. Pelvic

73.  Number of monophyodont teeth in man is:
A. Four B. Eight
C. Twelve D. Sixteen

74.  Total number of teeth in rabbit is:
A. 20 B. 24
C. 28 D. 32

75.  How many teeth grow twive in man:
A. 28 B. 24
C. 20 D. 16

76.  Number of teeth in one half of lower jaw of rabbit is:
A. Six B. Eight
C. Seven D. Ten

77.  Presence of which of the following distinguishes intestine with stomach:
A. Digestive glands B. Villi
C. Submucosa D. Serosa

78.  Sacculus rotundus has role in:
A. Digestion B. Absorption
C. Assimilation D. None of these

79.  Muscularis muscosae, lamina propria and multicellular glands are absent in:
A. Oesophagus B. Stomach
C. Ileum D. Rectum

80.  In which of the following organs of alimentary canal of rabbit the serosa also contains subserous areolar tissue:
A. Stomach B. Intestine
C. Both of these D. None of these

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