CSS :: Digestive System

61.  Intestinal villi are more larger in posterior part of intestine than in the anterior part because:
A. Digestion is faster in posterior part B. Blood supply is poorer in anterior part
C. Blood supply is poorer in posterior part D. There is more digested food in the posterior part

62.  In colon of rabbit, the constrictions of its walls form a series of pocket like structures called:
A. Haustra B. Crypts of leiberkuhn
C. Zymogen cells D. Teniae

63.  Diastema is a:
A. Space in teeth in mammals B. Part of pelvic girdle in rabbit
C. Type of tooth in rabbit D. Structure in the eye ball of rabbit

64.  Vermiform appendix is a part of:
A. Nervous system B. Alimentary canal
C. Vascular system D. Reproductive system

65.  Teeth in frog are:
A. Heterodont B. Thecodont
C. Acrodont D. Pleurodont

66.  Space between incisors and cheek teeth in rabbit is called:
A. Diaphysis B. Diapedesis
C. Diapause D. Diastema

67.  Caecum is meant for digestion of:
A. Proteins B. Lipids
C. Cellulose D. Starch

68.  Pylorus in frog is found between:
A. Stomach and oesophagus B. Stomach and duodenum
C. Duodenum and ileum D. Ileum and rectum

69.  Canines are absent in rabbit because the animal is:
A. Carnivorous B. Omnivorous
C. Herbivorous D. Saprophyte

70.  Crypts of Leiberkuhn secrete:
A. Gastric juice B. Succus entericus
C. Bile juice D. None of these

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