CSS :: Digestive System

31.  Stomach in rabbit is distinguished into:
A. Cardiac and pyloric regions B. Cardiac and fundus regions
C. Cardiac, fundus, pyloric and pylorus D. None of these

32.  Rumen is found in the stomach of:
A. Cow B. Camel
C. Both of these D. None of these

33.  Stomach in ruminants is divisible into many chambers these are:
A. Rumen and reticulum B. Rumen, reticulum and omassum
C. Rumen, reticulum, omassum and abomassum D. None of these

34.  Which of the following mammals can store gallons of water in its rumen:
A. Cow B. Buffalo
C. Camel D. All of these

35.  Muscular contractions of stomach are called:
A. Circulation B. Digestion
C. Absorption D. Peristalsis

36.  "Chewing of cud' is seen in:
A. Carnivores B. Ruminants
C. Aquatic mammals D. All of these

37.  In which of the following animals, the buccopharyngeal cavity is highly vascularized:
A. Frog B. Rabbit
C. Man D. None of these

38.  Muscles are absent in the buccopharyngeal cavity of:
A. Rabbit B. Frog
C. Both of these D. None of these

39.  Ciliated mucous membrane with goblet cells is found in the buccopharyngeal cavity of:
A. Frog B. Rabit
C. Man D. None of these

40.  Stratified squamous epithelium is found in the buccopharyngeal cavity of:
A. Frog B. Rabbit
C. Both of these D. None of these

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