CSS :: Digestive System

91.  Which of the following is associated with deamination:
A. Liver B. Pancreas
C. Both of these D. None of these

92.  Detoxification in our body is done by:
A. Liver B. Lungs
C. Heart D. None of these

93.  Which of the following glands is concerned with heparin formation:
A. Pancreas B. Pituitary
C. Liver D. All of these

94.  Storage of inorganic substances is done within:
A. Liver B. Pancreas
C. Stomach D. Rectum

95.  Glycogenesis and glycogenolysis are done in our body within:
A. Stomach B. Rectum
C. Intestine D. Liver

96.  Common bile and pancreatic duct is found in:
A. Rabbit B. Frog
C. Man D. All of these

97.  Names of liver lobes in rabbit are:
A. Right, left central and left lateral lobes B. Caudate lobe
C. Spegelian lobe D. All of these

98.  Biosynthesis of urea in our body in done within:
A. Kidney B. Liver
C. Both of these D. None of these

99.  Teeth absent in 'Milk dentition" are:
A. Incisors B. Canines
C. Premolars D. Molars

100.  Absorption of digested food occurs mainly in:
A. Colon B. Small intestine
C. Large intestine D. Stomach

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