CSS :: Cytogenetics

41.  Amount of DNA in all cell of body is:
A. Constant B. Variable
C. Constant or variable D. None of these

42.  Sutton and Boveri are associated with:
A. Gene theory of inheritance B. Recapitulation theory
C. Chromosomal theory of inheritance D. Continuity of germplasm

43.  Distance between two genes upon a chromosome is measured in cross over units which represent:
A. Ratio of crossing over between them B. Percentage of crossing between them
C. Number of other gene between them D. None of these

44.  In Morgan's experiment on linkage the recombinant types of test cross with F1, hybrids of gray body long winged and black body vestigial winged parents are:
A. Gray body vestigial wings B. Black body long wings
C. Both (a) & (b) D. None of these

45.  Percentage of recombinant types in Morgan's experiment was:
A. 13% B. 17%
C. 23% D. 27%

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