CSS :: Cytogenetics

21.  Unusual method of DNA duplication is called:
A. Semiconservative B. Nonconservative
C. Conservative D. None of these

22.  Mutations are harmful:
A. Always B. Never
C. Rarely D. Mostly

23.  A zygote has which of these number of chromosomes:
A. x B. 2x
C. 3x D. 4x

24.  In chromosomes the material controlling heredity is:
A. Histones B. DNA
C. Chromocentres D. RNA

25.  Nuclein from nuclei of pus cells was separated by:
A. Miescher B. Sutton
C. Altmann D. None of these

26.  Chromosomal theory of inheritance was given by:
A. Sutton B. Altmann
C. Miescher D. All of these

27.  Spacer in chromosomes is associated with:
A. H1 B. H3
C. H2a D. None of these

28.  Sperms do not have histones but they have
A. A basic protein protamine B. Acid protein spermin
C. Acid protein protamine D. None of these

29.  Which of these do not code for proteins:
A. Operator B. Promotor
C. Both (a) & (b) D. None of these

30.  An operon is constituted by:
A. Operator genes B. Promotor genes
C. Regulator genes D. All of these

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