CSS :: Cytogenetics

11.  Dr. Khorana got Nobel Prize for his researches on:
A. Hormones B. Immunology
C. Genetic Code D. None of these

12.  Biochemical nature of gene was established by:
A. Avery and Macleod B. Avery, Macleod and McCarty
C. Jacob and Monad D. Holley and Nirenberg

13.  Nucleosomes are beaded structure on chromosomes and formed of:
A. DNA and histones B. RNA and histones
C. RNA and proteins D. None of these

14.  Beads in chromosomes are formed by:
A. DNA molecule taking one turn B. DNA molecule taking two turn
C. RNA molecule taking one turn D. RNA molecule taking two turn

15.  The places in between beads of nucleosomes in chromosomes, where DNA is straight, are termed:
A. Speacers B. Linkers
C. Both (a) & (b) D. None of these

16.  An individual with two identical members of a pan or genetic factors is called:
A. Heterozygote B. Homozygote
C. Hybrid D. None of these

17.  Genetic mutations occur in:
A. Chromosomes B. DNA
C. RNA D. Nucleus

18.  X-rays cause mutations by:
A. Altering the chromosome structure B. Routing the nuclear membrane
C. Breaking the spindle D. Dissolving the nucleus

19.  A functional units of gene which specifies the synthesis of polypeptide is called:
A. Clone B. Recon
C. Cistron D. Codon

20.  Nucleosomes are the unit of:
C. Proteins D. Chromosomes

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