CSS :: Circulatory System

81.  A renal portal system is found in:
A. Rabbit B. Man
C. Horse D. Frog

82.  Lymph can be defined as blood minus:
C. Corpuscles D. Plasma

83.  In epidermis, hair follicle, cornea most, cartilages, brain and spinal cord lymphatic capillaries are:
A. Found abundantly B. Found in lesser number
C. Totally absent D. Found in normal number

84.  Lymph contains:
A. Rich amount of nutrients, oxygen, CO2 and metaboliic wastes B. Negligible amount of nutrients, oxygen, CO2 and metabolic wastes
C. Negligible amount of nutrients and oxygen but abundant CO2 and metabolic wastes D. Abundant nutrients and oxygen but negligible amount of CO2 and metabolic wastes

85.  Crural lymph sinus in frog is found in:
A. Fore limits B. Dorsal trunk region
C. Hind limbs D. Lateral trunk region

86.  Cistern magna is found in frog:
A. Beneath skin of head B. Beneath vertebral column
C. In the brachial region D. In hind limbs

87.  Cistern chili in rabbit is:
A. Posterior dilated end of left lymphatic duct B. Posterior end of right lymphatic duct
C. Both of these D. None of these

88.  Right and left lymphatic ducts in rabbit open:
A. Directly into the right auricle B. Directly into the precavals of their side
C. Only in the postcaval D. Only in aorta

89.  Which of the following organ works as a "Blood Bank":
A. Liver B. Kidney
C. Spleen D. None of these

90.  White pulp of spleen is formed by:
A. WBCs accumulation is spleen B. Accumulation of splenic cells around arteriole
C. Accumulation of collagen fibres D. None of these

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