CSS :: Circulatory System

71.  Hemiazygos vein in rabbit opens into:
A. Right precaval B. Left precaval
C. Postcaval D. None of these

72.  Azygos vein in rabbit opens into:
A. Right precaval B. Left precaval
C. Postcaval D. None of these

73.  Postcaval vein in rabbit is formed by confluence of:
A. Hypogastric B. Iliacs
C. Both of these D. None of these

74.  In rabbit, posterior epigastric vein collects blood from:
A. Posterior stomach wall B. Posterior intestinal wall
C. Posterior rectal wall D. Ventral body wall

75.  Blood from dorsal body wall in rabbit is collected by:
A. Ilio-lumbers B. Iliacs
C. Epigastrics D. None of these

76.  Interchange of materials between blood and the tissue cells occurs through:
A. Intracellular fluid B. Interstitial fluid
C. Nucleoplasm D. Lymph

77.  Interchange of materials in the tissue occurs between:
A. Blood and lymph B. Lymph and tissue fluid
C. Veins and tissue cells D. Blood capillaries and tissue cells

78.  Lymph differs from blood in having:
A. No WBCs B. No RBCs
C. No Platelets D. Much water

79.  Blood of which of the following vessel in mammals carried least percentage of Urea:
A. Dorsal aorta B. Ranal artery
C. Renal vein D. Posterior vena cava

80.  Blood leaving the lungs is richer than the blood entering the lungs in:
A. CO2 B. Hydrogen
C. Oxygen D. Moisture

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