CSS :: Circulatory System

61.  Uterus in female rabbit blood is supplied by:
A. External iliac B. Internal iliac
C. Hypogastric D. Vesicular

62.  Each precaval in frog is formed by confluence of:
A. External jugular, carotid and coronary veins B. External jugular, internal jugular veins only
C. external jugular, internal jugular and sub-clavian veins D. External jugular, innominate and sub-clavian veins

63.  External jugular vein in frog is formed by confluence of:
A. Lingual vein B. Mandibular vein
C. Both of these D. None of these

64.  Brachial and musculo-cutaneous veins in frog unite to form:
A. Innominate vein B. External jugular vein
C. Subclavian vein D. None of these

65.  In a portal system:
A. A vein starts from an organ and terminates into the heart B. A vein breaks up in an organ into capillaries and restarts by their reunion as a new vein in that organ
C. An artery breaks up in an organ and restarts by union of its capillaries D. The blood is brought into alimentary canal before it is poured into posterior vena cava

66.  In rabbit each precaval is formed by the union of:
A. External jugular, common carotid and internal jugular B. External jugular, innominate and sub-clavian
C. External jugular, internal jugular and sub-clavian D. None of these

67.  Right azygos and hemiazgos veins are present in:
A. Frog B. Rabbit
C. Both of these D. None of these

68.  Azygos vein in rabbit collects blood from:
A. Posterior intercostals B. Dorsal body wall
C. Both of these parts D. None of these parts

69.  Blood from stomach and spleen is collected in rabbit by:
A. Anterior gastric B. Posterior gastric
C. Lineo-gastric D. None of these

70.  External jugulars are connected together with the help of a transverse jugular commissure in:
A. Rabbt B. Frog
C. Both of these D. None of these

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