CSS :: Circulatory System

51.  Number of renal arteries in rabbit is the pair but in frog is:
A. 2-3 pairs B. 3-4 pairs
C. 4-5 pairs D. 8-10 pairs

52.  Blood to skin of frog is supplied by:
A. Systemic arch B. Carotid arch
C. Pulmocutaneous arch D. None of these

53.  Which of the following vessels supplies muscles of jaws, tongue, hyoid etc. in frog:
A. External carotid artery B. Internal carotid artery
C. Jugular artery D. None of these

54.  Which of the following arteries is unpaired:
A. Gonadial B. Iliac
C. Coeliaco-mesenteric D. None of these

55.  Innominate artery in rabbit divides into:
A. Two pulmonary arteries B. Systemic arteries
C. Common carotid arteries D. Phrenic arteries

56.  Number of inercostal arteries in rabbit is:
A. 3-4 pairs B. 4-5 pairs
C. 5-7 pairs D. 10-12 pairs

57.  In which of the following renal arteries are one pair and asymmetrical:
A. Rabbit B. Cat
C. Man D. All of these

58.  Carotid artery carries:
A. Impure blood to brain B. Impure blood from brain
C. Oxygenated blood to heart D. Oxygenated blood to brain

59.  An artery differs from a vein in having:
A. Narrow lumen B. Strong muscular walls
C. Pigmented wall to give them a dark appearance D. Valves to control direction of blood flow

60.  Vein carrying blood from tongue in frog is:
A. Lingual B. Cutaneous
C. Anterior abdominal D. Azygos

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