CSS :: Circulatory System

41.  Circulatory system of rabbit differs from that of frog chiefly in absence of:
A. Renal portal system B. Hepatic portal system
C. Superior vena cava D. Dorsal aorta

42.  Pulmonary aorta in embryo comniunicates with carotico-systemic aorta by a thin vessel called ductus Botalli which later closes and remains in adult as:
A. Fossa ovalis B. Ligamentum arteriosus
C. Carotico-pulmonary aperture D. None of these

43.  Mitral valve in mammals guards opening between:
A. Stomach and intestine B. Pulmonary vein and left auricle
C. Right auricle and right ventricle D. Left auricle and left ventricle

44.  Right auricle in mammalian heart receives blood from:
A. Sinus venosus B. Pulmonary veins
C. Precavals D. Precavals and postcavals

45.  Venus system of frog differs from that of rabbit in presence of:
A. Renel portal system B. Hepatic portal system
C. Three superior venae cavae D. Hepatic vein

46.  Which of the artery in frog has a receptor in form of a labyrinth:
A. External carotid artery B. Internal carotid artery
C. Both of these D. None of these

47.  Blood to hind limbs is supplied by:
A. Pelvic artery B. Iliac arteries
C. Hypogastric artery D. Vesicular artery

48.  Which of the following arteries is absent in frog:
A. Renals B. Iliacs
C. Phrenics D. None of these

49.  Which of the following artery supplies blood to urinary bladder:
A. renal B. Posterior mesenteric
C. Hypogastric D. Iliac

50.  Dorsal acrta in frog is formed by the union of:
A. Systemic and pulmonary arches B. Only two systemic arches
C. Carotid and systemic arches D. None of these

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