CSS :: Circulatory System

31.  Which of the following valves in the heart of rabbit is tricuspid:
A. Left auriculo-ventricular valve B. Right auriculo-ventricular valve
C. Eustachian valve D. None of these

32.  Number of aortic arches arising from heart of rabbit are:
A. One B. Two
C. Three D. Four

33.  An artery is:
A. Thin-walled vessel in which blood flows under low pressure: B. Thick-walled vessel in which blood flows under high pressure
C. Thin-walled vessel in which blood flows under high pressure D. Thick-walled vessel in which blood flows under low pressure

34.  The DNA is composed of smaller units called_______________
A. Genes B. Molecule
C. Sperms D. None of these

35.  Compared to a vein in mammals, an artery:
A. Has thinner walls B. Is located more superficially
C. Carries blood away from an organ D. Has no internal valves

36.  Heart of frog differs that of rabbit by presence of:
A. Mitral valve B. 4 chambers
C. Two aortae D. Sinus venosus

37.  Which of the artery supplies blood to diaphragm:
A. Splenic B. Phrenic
C. Renal D. Caudal

38.  To reach the left side of heart, the blood must pass through:
A. Lungs B. Liver
C. Kidneys D. Sinus venosus

39.  Which vessels carry blood from lungs to heart:
A. Pulmonary arteries B. Coronary arteries
C. Pulmonary veins D. Cardiac veins

40.  Which of these has oxygenated blood:
A. Renal veins B. Pulmonary veins
C. Pulmonary arteries D. Hepatic portal vein

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