CSS :: Circulatory System

21.  Eustachian valve is found is:
A. Middle ear B. Internal ear
C. Left ventricle of heart D. Right auricle of heart

22.  Cardiac muscles:
A. Contract quickly and get fatigued B. Contract slowly and get fatigued
C. Contract slowly and do not get fatigued D. Contract quickly and do not get fatifued

23.  Eustachian valve is present in rabbit at:
A. The opening of right precaval into right auricle B. The opening of left precaval into right auricle
C. The opening of postcaval into right auricle D. None of these

24.  Blood from the wall of heart itself in rabbit is collected by:
A. Coronary sinus B. Pulmonary vein
C. Coronary artery D. None of these

25.  Coronary sinus in heart of rabbit opens:
A. In left auricle B. In postcaval
C. At a small pore close to the opening of left precaval D. At a small pore close to the opening of right precaval

26.  Only one precaval is found in which of the following mammals:
A. Cat B. Man
C. Both of these D. None of these

27.  Thebesian valve is present in the heart of rabbit at:
A. The opening of postcaval B. The opening of pulmonary vein
C. The opening between left precaval and coronary sinus D. None of these

28.  Papillary muscles are found in the:
A. Ventricles of heart in rabbit B. Dermis of mammalian skin
C. Orbits of vertebrate eyes D. Pylorus of rabbit's stomach

29.  Term "Bicuspid" is applied to:
A. A value in the heart and a bone of pelvic girdle B. A muscle in the heart and a valve in the heart
C. A valve in the heart and surface of mammalian teeth D. A valve in the heart

30.  Bicuspid valve is also called:
A. Mitral valve B. Spiral valve
C. Eustachian valve D. Thebesian valve

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