CSS :: Circulatory System

11.  Chordae tendinae connecting dorsal and ventral flaps of atrioventricular valve in from help in:
A. Making functioning of valve more effective B. Checking relaxation of ventricular walls during contraction of auricles
C. Protecting eversion of atrioventricular valve towards auricles by pressure of blood in ventricles D. None of these functions

12.  Pylangium and synangium in frog's heart are divisions of:
A. Aurricles B. Ventricle
C. Conus arteriosus D. None of these

13.  Spiral valve in the heart of frog divides pylangium into:
A. Cavum aorticum and cavum pulmocutaneum B. Cavum dorsale and cavum centrale
C. Cavum aorticum and cavum pulmonale D. Cavum dorasle and cavum ventrale

14.  Short aortic trunci in frog are formed by division of:
A. Pylangium B. Synangium
C. Both of these D. None of these

15.  Chordae tendinae are found in:
A. Ventricle of heart B. Auricles of heart
C. Joints between bones D. Ventricles of brain

16.  One of the following structures is found in the heart as well as in other organ of body, which is:
A. Kidney B. Brain
C. Liver D. Pancreas

17.  Total number of arches coming out of heart in case of frog is:
A. 2 B. 4
C. 6 D. 8

18.  Name the aortic arch that carries only deoxygenated blood:
A. Carotid arch B. Systemic arch
C. Pulmocutaneous arch D. None of these

19.  Which of the following chambers are absent in the heart of rabbit:
A. Auricles and ventricle B. Synangium and pylangium
C. Sinus verosus and conus arteriosus D. Both of (b) & (c)

20.  Auricular appendages in rabbit's heart are ridged internally due to the presence of band-like structures called:
A. Chordac tendinae B. M. pectinati
C. Both of these D. None of these

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