CSS :: Hormones in our body

81.  Metemorphosis in frog's tadpole is under the control of:
A. Thyroid B. Parathyroid
C. Pituitary D. Adrenals

82.  ICSH is a hormone from:
A. Pituitary B. Adrenals
C. Ovary D. Testes

83.  Thyroxine is:
A. An enzyme B. A hormone
C. A vitamin D. An excretory waste

84.  Removal of thyroid in frog's tadpole would:
A. Make it into a giant frog B. Keep it in tadpole stage throughout life
C. Turn it into a dwarf frog D. Lead to its instant death

85.  Addition of a trace of thyroid extract in water containing tadpoles of frog will:
A. Kill all the tadpoles B. Keep them in larval stage permanently
C. Hasten their metamorphosis D. Slow down their metamorphosis

86.  Which one of these regulates BMR in our body:
A. Pituitary B. Heart
C. Thyroid D. Parathyroid

87.  Thyroxine was isolated by:
A. William Buemont B. Best and Benting
C. F.Sanger D. None of these

88.  Which of these sets of names is applicable to one and same hormone:
A. Vasopressin, ADH and pitressin B. Secretin, gastrin and enterokrinin
C. Thyroxine, oxytocin and triiodothyronine D. Testesterone, LTH and prolactin

89.  Hormone secreted by pituitary gland are:
A. All proteins B. All steroids
C. Some proteins and some steroids D. All complex compounds of proteins and some carbohydrates

90.  Which one of these is involved with the initiation of metamorphosis of frog's tadpole:
A. Thyroid B. Parathyroid
C. Thymus D. None of these

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