CSS :: Hormones in our body

61.  Which set of these disorders is due to oversecretion of concerned hormones:
A. Gigantism and expohtalmic goitre B. Cretinism and mongolism
C. Rickets and diabetes mellitus D. Cretinism and diabetes mellitus

62.  Ateliosis is caused by the defect of:
A. Hyposecretion of STH B. Hypersecretion of STH
C. Oversecretion of ACTH D. None of these

63.  A person suffering with ateliosis has a height of:
A. 120 cms B. 50 cms
C. 200 cms D. None of these

64.  Dwarfs of circus are called:
A. Midgets B. Higets
C. Begets D. None of these

65.  Nanism caused due to hyposecretion of STH is often seen in:
A. Males B. Females
C. Both (a) & (b) D. None of these

66.  Hyposecretion of ADH would cause:
A. Diabetes mellitus B. Diatetes instipidus
C. Both (a) & (b) D. None of these

67.  TSH stands for:
A. Thyroxine stimulating hormone B. Thyroid stimulating hormone
C. Thymine stimulating hormone D. Temperature stimulating hormone

68.  Hyposecretion of hormone from pituitary would lead to:
A. Cretinism B. Goitre
C. Diabetes mellitus D. Diabetes insipidus

69.  Posterior lobe of pituitary is also called:
A. Neurohypophysis B. Adenohypophysis
C. Infundibulum D. None of these

70.  Gonadotropins are produced in:
A. Adrenal cortex B. Adenphypophysis of pituitary
C. Thyyroid D. Neurohypophysis of pituitary

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