CSS :: Basic Genetics

21.  A cross between F1 hybrids with either of the parent is called:
A. Back-cross B. Test-cross
C. Reverse-cross D. None of these

22.  Which of these terms indicate a pair of contrasting characters or factors:
A. Allele B. Phenotype
C. Homozygous D. Heterozygous

23.  In case red flower colour is dominant to white flower colour which of these statements is correct:
A. All red-flowered plants from red flowered plants B. A few red-flowered plants from red-flowered plants
C. Ration of red-flowered plants from white-flowered hybrid plants is 1:1 D. Only white-flowered plants from white-flowered plants

24.  Why pea plants were most suitable for Mendel's experiments than dogs because:
A. There were no pidegree records of dogs B. Pea plants can be selfed
C. All pea plants have two number of chromosomes D. Dogs have many genetic traits

25.  If opposite alleles come together, one of these only expresses while masking the other. It can be described as:
A. Law of independent assortment B. Law of dominance
C. Law of segregation D. Law of inheritance

26.  What will be the ration of plants in F2 generation when parents with tall stem (TT) are crossed with dwarf parents (tt):
A. 2 tall : 2 dwarf B. 3 tall : 1 dwarf
C. 1 tall : 3 dwarf D. None of these

27.  Which will be the correct genotypes of F2 plants obtained by cross between tall (TT) and dwarf (tt) parents:
A. TT : tt : Tt : tt B. TT : Tt : tt
C. 2 TT : 2 tt D. None of these

28.  Phenotypic ration of F2 hybrids in cross between tall (TT) and dwarf (tt) plants is 3 Tall : 1 dwarf but genotypic ration will be:
A. 1 TT : 2Tt : 1tt B. 2 TT : 2 tt
C. 1 TT : 1 Tt : 2 tt D. None of these

29.  In a monohybrid cross between red plants (RR) and white plant the F1 hybrids (Rr) are all pink. It is indication of the fact that gene R is:
A. Mutant B. Recessive
C. Incompletely dominant D. Hybrid

30.  Visible characters in an organism are called:
A. Genotype B. Phenotype
C. Homozygous D. Heterozygous

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