CSS :: Cell in Animals

81.  Elementary particles on cristae of mitochondria are also called:
A. F0F1 particles B. Oxysomes
C. Both (a) & (b) D. None of these

82.  Lysosomes were first isolated by:
A. de Duve B. Dujardin
C. Rhodin D. None of these

83.  Lysosomes are reservoirs of which of these substances:
A. Hydrolytic enzymes B. Oxidative enzymes
C. Fats and RNA D. Glycoproteins

84.  Who named lysosomes:
A. Virchow B. Novikoff
C. Kolliker D. None of these

85.  Suicide bags of the cell are:
A. Ribosomes B. Oxysomes
C. Lysosomes D. None of these

86.  Animal cells is limited outside by:
A. Basement membrane B. Cell wall
C. Plasma membrane D. None of these

87.  Wall of mitrochondria is made up of:
A. Protein B. Lipids
C. Lipoproteins D. Carbohydrates

88.  Peroxisomes are vesicles like lysosomes but they contain:
A. Proteolytic enzymes B. Oxidative enzymes
C. Both (a) & (b) D. None of these

89.  Cellular organelles containing hydrolytic enzymes are:
A. Ribosomes B. Microsomes
C. Lysosomes D. Dictyosomes

90.  For which of these the lysosomes in the cells are responsible:
A. Digestion of organic molecules within the cells B. Synthesis of proteins within the cells
C. Oxidation of organic compounds within the cells D. Transfer of hereditary meterial form parent to offsprings

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