CSS :: Cell in Animals

71.  Mitochondria are concerned with:
A. ATP formation B. ADP formation
C. Electron transport D. All of these

72.  Which of these has got extranuclear DNA:
A. Mitochondria B. Lysosomes
C. Glogi complex D. All of them

73.  Cristae are:
A. Cell orgaelles B. Folds on inner wall of mitochondria
C. Ground surface of mitochondria D. None of these

74.  Mitochondria in animal cell are concerned with:
A. Formation of ADP from ATP B. Formation of ATP from ADP
C. Formation of ATP from lactic acids D. None of these

75.  Mitochondria will be found according to:
A. Maximum activity B. Minimum activity
C. Average activity D. None of these

76.  Which of these does not have mitochondria:
A. Maturing RBC B. Mature RBC
C. Nerve cell D. Kidney cell

77.  Maintenance of internal turgot pressure of cell is done by:
A. Vacuoles B. Lysosomes
C. Diotyosomes D. None of these

78.  Which of these has got only one giant mitochondrion:
A. Human egg B. Trypanosoma
C. Nerve cell of man D. None of these

79.  Mitochondria were first observed and named sarcosomes by:
A. Altmann B. Kolliker
C. Overton D. None of these

80.  Elementary particles are found on which of these structures of mitochondria:
A. Cristae B. Outer membrane
C. Both (a) & (b) D. None of these

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