CSS :: Cell in Animals

51.  Supporting net work in dendrites and axons is formed by:
A. Intermediate filaments B. Microfilaments
C. Both (a) & (b) D. None of these

52.  Centriole is found in:
A. Animal cell only B. Plants cells only
C. Both animal and plant cells D. None of these

53.  Centriole, was discovered in animal cells by:
A. Benden B. Altmann
C. Overton D. Davson

54.  Boveri animal which of these organelles:
A. Centriole B. Lysosome
C. Oxysome D. Peroxysome

55.  During cell division the centriole functions to:
A. Form spindle for attachment of chromosomes B. Form chromosomes for cell division
C. Form enzymes carrying out process of cell divisions D. Perform all these activities

56.  Units of Golgi complex are termed:
A. Dictyosomes B. Oxysomes
C. Glyoxysomes D. Peroxisomes

57.  Endoplasmic reticulum was discovered by:
A. Porter B. Gorter
C. Cramer D. None of these

58.  Which of these endoplasmic reticula are called rough endoplasmic reticulum:
A. One with granules on the surface of the membranes B. One without granules at the surface of the membranes
C. One with simple tubules D. None of these

59.  Walls of endoplasmic reticula are formed by:
A. Unit membrane B. Ribosomes
C. Both (a) & (b) D. None of these

60.  In liver cells the endoplasmic reticulum which helps in biosynthesis of flycogen and lipoproteins is:
C. Both of these D. None of these

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