CSS :: Cell in Animals

31.  In plasma membrane protein molecules penetrating deeply into lipid layer are:
A. Intrinsic molecules B. Extrinsic molecules
C. Both (a) & (b) D. None of these

32.  Which is the correct sequence of composition of plasma membrane in an animal cell:
A. Proteins 42% lipids 32% Carbohydrates 6% and water 20% B. Proteins 32% lipids 42% Carbohydrates 6% and water 20%
C. Proteins 52% lipids 22% Carbohydrates 6% and water 20% D. None of these

33.  Carbohydrates link with proteins and fats of plasma membrane form:
A. Glycoproteins B. Glycolipids
C. Both (a) & (b) D. None of these

34.  Who defined cytoplasm?
A. Strausberger B. Overton
C. Dujardin D. None of these

35.  Cytoplasm in the cell is:
A. Substance between plasmalemma and karyon B. Subtance inside the nuclear membrane
C. Substance filled in between two layers of plasma membrane D. None of these

36.  The matrix of cytoplasm having various structures suspended in it is called:
A. Cytosol B. Cortisol
C. Cholesterol D. None of these

37.  Transport of materials inside the cell in fluid state is called:
A. Pinocytosis B. Phagocytosis
C. Cytolysis D. None of these

38.  Transport of solid substances inside the cell is termed:
A. Phagocytosis B. Pinocytosis
C. Cytopenphes D. None of these

39.  Cell membrane in animals is composed mainly of molecules of:
A. Lipids B. Proteins
C. Carbohydrates D. Lipids and proteins

40.  Organelles are the structures in cytoplasm which are:
A. Living structures B. Structures taking part in cell functions
C. Capable of multiplication D. Provided with all of these characteristics

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