CSS :: Cell in Animals

21.  One of the property of nerve cells is that they:
A. Nerve multiply in life time B. They are longest of all cells
C. Both (a) & (b) D. None of these

22.  Smallest cells in multicellular animals is of diameter of:
A. 0.004 mm - 0.03 mm B. 01 - 03 mm
C. 01 - 0.5 mm D. None of these

23.  Plasma membrane in an animal cell ws first seen by:
A. Naegeli B. Cramer
C. Both (a) & (b) D. None of these

24.  Plasma membrane is animal cells was confirmed by:
A. Overton B. Dalton
C. Davson D. None of these

25.  Plasma membrane is double layer of lipid molecules was suggested by:
A. Overton B. Naegeli
C. Both (a) & (b) D. None of these

26.  Who postulated the plasma membrane to be bimolecular layer made up of phospholipids and sphingolipids:
A. Gorter and Grendel B. Scleiden and Schwann
C. Naegeli and Cramer D. None of these

27.  Who established that the plasma membrane is lipid protein bilayer:
A. Danelli and Davson B. Naegeli and Gramer
C. Gorter and Gendel D. All of these

28.  Who called plasma membrane unit membrane?
A. Robertson B. Devson
C. Overton D. None of these

29.  The core of plasma membrane is lipid bilayer in fluid phase and protein molecules are distributed in mosaic patterned was established by:
A. Singer and Nicholson B. Gorter and Grendel
C. Danilli and Davson D. None of these

30.  Protein molecules bound loosely at the polar surface of lipid layer in plasma membrane of animal cell are:
A. Extrisic B. Intrinsic
C. Both (a) & (b) D. None of these

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